Classic Ausiris Investment Advisory Securities Co., Ltd

Products Gold Futures

Gold Futures
ลองลงทุนแล้ว ซื้อขายง่าย ต้นทุนต่ำกว่า

ด้วยต้นทุนการซื้อขายที่ต่ำกว่าทองคำแท่ง ทำให้มีโอกาสสร้างกำไรมากขึ้น ที่สำคัญไม่ต้องไปเยาวราช ซื้อขายผ่านมือถือได้เลย

ลงทุนใน Gold Futures

เริ่มง่าย ๆ เพียง 3 ขั้นตอน


ทุกข้อมูลสำคัญ ที่ทำให้การตัดสินใจลงทุนของคุณเป็นเรื่องง่าย โดยทีมนักวิเคราะห์คุณภาพจากคลาสสิก ออสสิริส

Remark:The above description is a summary of the contract specification. Please refer to the procedures of listing of Derivatives Contracts for the official contract specification.
Heading 10 Baht Gold Futures 50 Baht Gold Futures
Underlying Asset Gold Bullion with a purity of 96.5%
Ticker Symbol GF10 GF
Contract Size 10 Thai Gold Baht
(1 Thai Gold Baht = 15.244 grams)
50 Thai Gold Baht
(1 Thai Gold Baht = 15.244 grams)
Contract Months 3 nearest even month : February,
April, June, August, October, December
Price Quotation THB per one baht weight of gold
ช่วงราคาซื้อขายขั้นต่ำ THB 10
(or THB 100 per contract)
THB 10
(or THB 500 per contract)
Price Limit ±20% of the latest settlement price
Price Limit
09:15 hrs. - 09:45 hrs.
Day session:
09:45 hrs. - 16:55 hrs.
18:45 hrs. - 18:50 hrs.
Night session:
16:50 hrs. - 03:00 hrs. (Next day)
Speculative Position Limit Exchange may announce the position limit as it deems appropriate.
Last Trading Day The business day immediately preceding the last business day of the contract month.
The trading of expiring contract will be ceased at 16:30 hrs on Last Trading Day.
Final Settlement Price The final settlement price formula is as follows:
London Gold AM Fixing x (15.244/31.1035) x (0.965/0.995) x (THB/USD)
The London Gold AM Fixing price on the last trading day as publish by
ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA and the foreign exchange rate for Baht to US dollar )
announced by TFEX on the last trading day, after conversion for weight and fineness.
Settlement Method Cash Settlement
Exchange Fee Maximum of THB 7 per contract per side Maximum of THB 35 per contract per side
Brokerage Commission Freely negotiable

    Investors are require to deposit Initial Margin with their respective broker before trading futures contract. Brokers will then calculate the profit and loss and add or subtract funds at the end of day via a processed call Mark-to-Market.

    As a mutual agreement between brokers and the Futures Industry Club (FI Club), the initial margin for investors will be based on the margin rate as announced by Thailand Clearing House (TCH). The initial margin is set at 1.9 times the maintenance margin for local investors and 1.35 times the maintenance margin for institutional investors.

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